Bebidas Energéticas e Trombose Aguda – TCE
Left Main Coronary Artery Acute Thrombosis Related to Energy Drink Intake
A 24-year-old previously healthy black man presented the emergency department with a 10-hour history of nausea, multiple episodes of emesis, palpitations, and severe retrosternal chest pain, described as constant pressure. His symptoms started 1 or 2 hours after he had 3 drinks of vodka mixed with an energy drink at a local party. He used marijuana in the week before but denied cocaine or other recreational drug use. Two of his friends who shared the drinks had similar symptoms but without chest pain. There was no family history of premature coronary artery disease. The patient smokes no more than 5 cigarettes weekly.
Read More: Left Main Coronary Artery Acute Thrombosis Related to Energy Drink Intake