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International Drugs Day – launch of the European Action on Drugs

22 de julho de 20094min14

26 June 2009 – International Drugs Day – launch of the European Action on Drugs

European Union


Did you know that around 12 million people in the EU take, or have at some time taken, cocaine? Did you know that on average one EU citizen dies every hour of an overdose? Did you know that they are 7 000 to 8 000 drug-induced deaths in Europe every year? Faced with this serious drug problem the European Commission launched today a new awareness and information initiative the ‘EUROPEAN ACTION ON DRUGS (EAD), with its primary goal to mobilise society and raise awareness about drugs within the European Union.



The EAD aims to build on the principle of ‘shared responsibility’, and encourage everyone – whether groups or individuals, or professionals, or just every member of society –to sign a pledge and undertake a commitment that addresses the drugs problem in some way. Today, Mr Barrot, Commission Vice-President, in the presence of Mr Nikos Aliagas, journalist/tv star and Jerzy Owsiak journalist/social campaigner, officially launched the EAD during a high-profile event with the participation of around 120 stakeholders from the EU.

Vice-President Barrot, Commissioner responsible for Justice, Freedom and Security, said: “Urging European organisations and citizens to play an active role, is one of the priorities stated by the new ‘EU Drugs Action Plan (2009-2012)’, of which the EAD is one of the key actions. With the EAD, we are reaching out to Europeans in their everyday lives, by providing them with the means of expressing their views and committing to action”

Today, 21 organisations and people have signed up to undertake an EAD commitment:


1. Association des Parents d’Elèves de l’Ecole Européenne de Bruxelles I (Belgium)

2. Cyprus Anti-drugs Council (Cyprus)

3. ETHIAS (Belgium)

4. FESAT- European Foundation of Drug Helplines (EU)

5. FNAPT- Fédération Nationale de Prévention Toxicomanies (France)

6. Fondazione Villa Maraini (Italy)

7. Foundation la Caixa (Spain)

8. Foundation WOSP – the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation- Jerzy Owsiak (Poland)

9. FPAT – Portuguese Federation of Social Institution connected to the Prevention of Drug Addiction (Portugal)

10. ICOS – International Council on Security and Development (EU)

11. Le Phare, familles face à la drogue (France)

12. London Drug Policy Forum (United Kingdom)

13. Municipal Council on Drug Addiction, Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)

14. Peitenger Jugendhaus-ASBL (Luxembourg)

15. PREV CENTRUM (Czech Republic)


17. Qrendi Scout Group (Malta)

18. TIIMI Magazine (Finland)

19. YSPDB-Youth Society for Peace and Development of the Balkans (Bulgaria)

20. “WOCAD” Women’s Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug issues” (Suède)

21. EMCDDA – European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction

From today European individuals and organisations have the opportunity to make use of the EAD, thus adding a European dimension and visibility to their work, by exploring how their daily activities, social responsibilities and environment could increase awareness and commitment in relation to drugs and the risks related to drug abuse. Specific and creative actions at any level throughout Europe that positively influence drug-related behaviour, or generate greater awareness of drugs and the dangers of abusing them are welcomed by the European Commission at www.action-drugs.eu




Sobre a UNIAD

A Unidade de Pesquisa em álcool e Drogas (UNIAD) foi fundada em 1994 pelo Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Laranjeira e John Dunn, recém-chegados da Inglaterra. A criação contou, na época, com o apoio do Departamento de Psiquiatria da UNIFESP. Inicialmente (1994-1996) funcionou dentro do Complexo Hospital São Paulo, com o objetivo de atender funcionários dependentes.


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