Hope or hype in the treatment of schizophrenia – what’s the role of the physician?
According to the experience of people with schizophrenia, their psychiatrists’ attitude towards the outcome of their illness is lacking in hope, which directly affects mutual faith in treatment. Here we discuss the scientific basis of hope and show its instrumental role in optimising the best treatment strategies for schizophrenia.
Declaration of interest
R.A.B has received honoraria for educational input and nonfinancial support from Ache; honoraria for educational input from Lundbeck; grants, honoraria for educational input and nonfinancial support from Janssen; all outside the submitted work. G.E.M.G. has received honoraria for educational input and non-financial support from Janssen outside the submitted work. G.M. reports support from Janssen-Cilag, outside the submitted work, and is an employee at Janssen-Cilag. S.S. has received grants and honoraria for educational input from EnVivo Pharmaceuticals, Takeda, AbbVie and Janssen Pharmaceuticals, outside the submitted work.
Copyright and usage
©The Royal College of Psychiatrists 2018
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