6 de fevereiro de 2025

Heterogeneity in the composition of marijuana seized in California.

7 de fevereiro de 20112min62

Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011 Jan 31. [Epub ahead of print]

Heterogeneity in the composition of marijuana seized in California.

Burgdorf JRKilmer BPacula RL.

Pardee RAND Graduate School, RAND Corporation, 1776 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA.


BACKGROUND: Marijuana contains multiple cannabinoids. Most attention is given to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which produces euphoria and in some cases anxiety and panic reactions. Research suggests that another cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD), may offset some of these effects. Thus, there is growing interest in the health consequences of the THC to CBD ratio for marijuana.

METHODS: Using data from over 5000 marijuana samples in California from 1996 to 2008, we examine changes in the median THC-level, median CBD-level, and median THC:CBD-ratio.

RESULTS: The median THC-level and median THC:CBD-ratio have dramatically increased for seizures in California, particularly north of the Mexican border.

CONCLUSION: Research on the consequences of the THC:CBD ratio should continue, especially as more attention is devoted to thinking about how to regulate marijuana for medical and recreational use. Researchers should also consider the lack of uniformity in the chemical composition of marijuana when evaluating its health effects.

Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

PMID: 21288662 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

Sobre a UNIAD

A Unidade de Pesquisa em álcool e Drogas (UNIAD) foi fundada em 1994 pelo Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Laranjeira e John Dunn, recém-chegados da Inglaterra. A criação contou, na época, com o apoio do Departamento de Psiquiatria da UNIFESP. Inicialmente (1994-1996) funcionou dentro do Complexo Hospital São Paulo, com o objetivo de atender funcionários dependentes.


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