Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation
Published Online September 7, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ S0140-6736(13)61534-2
In The Lancet, Christopher Bullen and colleagues1 report the results of a study that is likely to have an important effect on the discussion of the role of electronic cig- arettes (e-cigarettes) in tobacco control. Bullen and colleagues randomised 657 adult smokers wanting to quit to 16 mg nicotine e-cigarettes (as needed), 21 mg nicotine patches (one per day), or placebo e-cigarettes (no nicotine, as needed) in a 4:4:1 ratio. Participants, who all lived in Auckland, New Zealand, could access the national Quitline (a telephone counselling service), but received no additional support.
acesse: 2013_16_nov_HAJEK_Electronic_cigarettes_for_smoking_cessation.pdf